St. Colmcille’s Boys’ National School, Chapel Lane, Swords, Co.Dublin K67 WP65

(01) 8405132

St Colmcille's BNS

Ní neart go cur le chéile

Religious Education


St. Colmcilles’ B.N.S. is a Catholic school under the patronage of the Catholic Archbishop of Dublin.  Our school models and promotes a philosophy inspired by belief in God and traditional Catholic values.  We promote religious education for the pupils in accordance with the doctrines, practices and ethos of the Catholic Church. Religious instruction, in accordance with the doctrine and tradition of the Catholic Church is part of the education given to children who belong to that Church. This policy has been drafted in response to the need to have a policy document which underpins our approach to the teaching of religion in our school. It has been formulated in consultation with staff, pupils, Board of Management and the Parents’ Association.

Relationship between Religious Education and school ethos

The Schedule for the Catholic School is distributed / circulated to all candidates who are interviewed for teaching positions in our school. It is readily available in the Principal’s office.

Mission Statement



Teachers and parents are partners in the children’s education, with co-operation and communication between home and school being vital ingredients in the educational process.  We share the same aim – the well- being of the children in our care.

 Motto: “Ní neart go cur le chéile.”

 Aim of Religious Education Policy

The aim of Religious Education curriculum is to help children mature in relation to their spiritual, moral and religious lives, through their encounter with, exploration and celebration of the Catholic faith.

The curriculum distinguishes four interrelated strands of Christian Faith, The Word of God, Liturgy/Prayer and Christian Morality. The strands overlap and interact to form a holistic learning experience for the child.

Christian Faith: Teaching and learning in this strand assists children to become religiously literate in key truths, doctrines and practices of the Catholic religious tradition.

The Word of God: In this strand children are introduced in an age-appropriate way to Sacred Scripture in the life of the Church.

Liturgy and Prayer: Children are encouraged to engage with liturgical signs, symbols and rituals which nurture their relationship with God as Father, Son and Spirit, and to develop their capacity for personal prayer and for participation in the liturgy of the Church.

Christian Morality: The teaching and learning in this strand helps children to grow in awareness of their identity as persons created in the image and likeness of God and called to live in a loving, respectful relationship with God, other human persons and the whole of creation. The children are introduced to Jesus as the example for living an ethical life and are formed in gospel values and in love of God and neighbour.

 General Information

 Diocesan Information



Name of Patron/Archbishop

Dermott Farrell

Name of Director of Education

Dr Cora O’ Farrell

Name of Diocesan Advisors

Sr Anne Neylon,

Sr Maureen Matthews


  1. Parish Information





FR John Collins

Name of Chairperson of Pastoral Council


  1. School Information



St. Colmcille’s B.N.S.

Name of Chaplains

Fr John Collins

Sr Mary

Name of Religious Education Representative

Bláithín White

Number of Catholic Children


Number of children of other religions and no religions




The Catholic Preschool and Primary Religious Education Curriculum for Ireland is the foundation document for all Religious Education in Catholic primary schools.

The Grow in Love programme is the only programme approved for use in Catholic Primary Schools in Ireland.

 Each class teacher has been supplied with a Grow in Love Teacher’s Manual and accompanying CDs and poster set to support the teaching of Religious Education. Also available are teacher’s copies of the Grow in Love pupil’s textbooks and workbooks. Teachers have login codes to access additional information relating to the Grow in Love programme.


  • 4x CEV Version(Contemporary English Version of the Bible)
  • 18 X Read with me Bible

 Teachers are encouraged to read stories from the Bible to the children.

Religious Education Representative:

 The Religious Education Representative distributes additional Religious Education resources. The monthly memos sent by the Education Secretariat are received by e mail and copies are printed and circulated to all class teachers. Printed information relating to Lent, Advent, Feast days, the celebration of Christmas and Easter and Catholic Schools’ Week are circulated similarly.


It is important to display a variety of symbols in the school in order to identify it as a Catholic School.

  • Crucifix in each classroom
  • Holy water font at Prayer Space
  • Statue of Our Lady at Prayer Space

Prayer Spaces

  • There is a designated Prayer Space in a central location in the school.
  • Each classroom has a Prayer Space which changes in accordance with the liturgical cycle as indicated in the Grow in Love
  • Children are encouraged to bring in symbols from home relating to the R.E theme being explored.
  • Class Bible is on display.
  • The Grow in Love posters can be used as a back drop for the Prayer Space and perhaps a calendar depicting the liturgical year.


Participation in experiences of prayer (formal and informal), silence and meditation develops children’s capacity for personal prayer. Formal prayers are recited each morning, at break times and before going home. The formal prayers are laid out at the back of the pupils’ books. Children attend Prayer Services in the school at key times during the liturgical year.


Doctrine is the Church’s teaching on the most important truths of Faith. Doctrine is found in the “For Memorisation” section of the pupils’ Grow in Love book and is also found in the Teachers’ Manuals.


Sacramental Preparation

During their period of education in St. Colmcille’s BNS, children are prepared for the following sacraments:


  • Penance is a two year programme and preparation begins in 1st  
  • Children in 2ndclass are prepared for the Sacrament of Penance each year. The Grow in Love books are used by the teachers as a guide to the programme of religious education for the Sacrament of Penance.
  • The First Confession Ceremony is organised and led by the Parish and the role of the teacher is in preparing the pupils.
  • First Confessions take place shortly before the Communion ceremony and are conducted in the Church. Parents / guardians are invited to attend with their children.

First Holy Communion

  • Children in 2ndclass are prepared for the Sacrament of Communion each year. The book Grow in Love 4 is used by the teachers as a guide to the programme of religious education for Communion.
  • Communion ceremonies are parish led and the teachers assist with the preparation of the pupils.
  • Children from the 5thclass sing in the choir for the Communion ceremony.
  • Parents / guardians are encouraged to become actively involved in the religious education of their children.
  • The preparations and expectations for First Holy Communion and First Penance are discussed with parents at the Enrolment Ceremony which is held early in the academic year.



  • Children in 6thclass are prepared each year for the Sacrament of Confirmation.
  • The Enrolment Ceremony (Commitment) takes place before the Confirmation and is led by the parish.
  • The Ceremony of Light takes place as part of the Confirmation Ceremony.
  • The Grow in Love (Primary 8) Book is used by the teachers as a guide to the programme of religious education for Confirmation.
  • The children complete a Confirmation booklet in order to record their faith journey.
  • Parents / guardians are encouraged to become involved in the religious education of their children.
  • Confirmation ceremonies are prepared and organised by the parish in collaboration with the teachers.
  • Children from the 5thclasses sing in the choir for the Confirmation ceremony.


Implementation of Religious Education throughout the school year


  • In St. Colmcille’s BNS, it is recommended that Religion lessons take place between 12:00 and 12:30 each day. This is to give parents of different Religions or no Religion the option of withdrawing their children from class at this time and returning them after lunch at 12.50. As a school, we do not have the facility to supervise children outside of the classroom during Religion lessons.


  • In St. Colmcille’s BNS, Religious Education is integrated in other parts of the curriculum such as Art, Music, Drama, SPHE, SESE and RSE.


  • Formal prayers are recited in the morning, at break time and before going home.


  • Each theme in the Grow in Love series concludes with a prayer service. The “invitation to pray” forms an integral part of the programme.


  • Children are taught the ritual format of Mass through drill and practice. From Junior Infants children attend prayer services in the school and learn to show reverence during prayer time. Class groups from 2nd to 6thinclusive attend Mass on a rotation basis throughout the year.


  • All Catholic feasts are celebrated;
    • Advent – a time of preparation for Christmas, focus on Advent wreaths and candles.
    • Christmas – tree and crib, Christmas Stories, Carol services, Nativity Plays in the Infant classrooms.
    • Feast of St. Brigid – making of traditional crosses.
    • Feast of St. Patrick – depiction of story and shamrock, St. Patrick’s Day Cards.
    • Lent – Symbols of repentance, weekly Masses organised.
    • Easter – Easter cards, story of the death of Jesus and resurrection.
    • Feast of St Colmcille (9 June)


  • Catholic Schools Week is celebrated in January of each year. Literature is circulated to all classes regarding the overall theme and how the theme can be celebrated across the week. There are reflections, readings and meditations relating to the theme and suggested activities for the pupils to become involved in. Posters are displayed around the school highlighting this event.


  • The Grow in Love programme seeks to involve parents and families in the child’s Religious development at all stages throughout primary school. Therefore a piece of work, a prayer or a topic to chat about is shared at home each week. Parental involvement is not confined to times of sacramental preparation.


  • All interview candidates are given a copy of the Schedule for Catholic Schools and asked if they would have any difficulty in preparing children for Sacraments.


  • Teachers of Sacramental classes are given the full support of all members of staff, including SNAs, School Chaplain, Religious Education Post Holder and Principal.


  • Missionary awareness is highlighted through the support of different charities such as Trócaireand Bóthar.


  • Information regarding the annual school Mass organised by the diocese is communicated to the Religious Education Representative by e mail. It is publicised in the staff room.

 Pupils of Other Traditions:

As a Catholic school, St Colmcilles BNS is open and inclusive and children who are not of the Catholic faith are invited to participate in and engage with the religious education classes, if this is something that they wish to do.



An Overview of the Grow in Love Programme:

  • The Grow in Love programme for each year is divided into nine or ten themes and also includes a selection of seasonal lessons which should be taught at particular times of the year.
  • Lessons relating to Lent, Holy Week and Easter may need to be taught earlier or later in the sequence, depending on when Easter occurs.

                                                   Junior Infants:

September and October

·         Theme 1: My Family

·         Seasonal Lesson: Autumn

·         Theme 2: Our World (Week 1)

November and December

·         Theme 2: Our World (Weeks 2 and 3)

·         Seasonal Lesson: In November, we remember

·         Theme 3: Advent and Christmas

January and February

·         Theme 4: The Holy Family

·         Seasonal Lesson: Lent (Ash Wed)

·         Theme 5: Jesus


·         Seasonal Lesson: St Patrick

·         Theme 6: Holy Week and Easter

April and May

·         Theme 7: The Church

·         Seasonal Lesson: Mary

·         Theme 8: Water


·         Theme 9: We Give Thanks

·         Seasonal Lesson: Summer

·         Seasonal Lesson: Grow in Love!


Senior Infants:

September and October

·         Theme 1:  Our World

·         Theme 2: We Belong (weeks 1 and 2)

November and December

·         Theme 2: We Belong (weeks 3 and 4)

·         Seasonal Lesson: We Remember

·         Theme 3: Advent and Christmas

January and February

·         Theme 4: The Holy Family

·         Theme 5: St Brigid and the Spring

·         Seasonal Lesson: Lent (Ash Wed)

February and March

·         Theme 6: Jesus (weeks 1 and 2)

·         Theme 7: Holy Week and Easter

April and May

·         Theme 6: Jesus (weeks 3 and 4)

·         Theme 8: The Church

·         Theme 9: Baptism (week1)

·         Seasonal Lesson: Mary


·         Theme 9: Baptism (week 2)

·         Theme 10: Grow in Love


First Class:


·         Theme 1: Belonging

·         Theme 2: Jesus (Lesson 1)


·         Seasonal Lesson 1: The Rosary

·         Theme 2: Jesus (Lessons 2, 3 and 4)

November and December

·         Theme 2: Jesus (Lesson 5)

·         Seasonal Lesson 2: Celebrating the saints

·         Theme 3: Advent and Christmas

January and February

·         Theme 4: We Hear the Gospel at Mass

·         Theme 5: Reconciliation

February and March

·         Seasonal Lesson 3: Lent

·         Seasonal Lesson 4: St Patrick

·         Theme 6: Celebrating the Mass


·         Theme 7: Holy Week and Easter

May and June

·         Theme 8: Jesus is still with us

·         Theme 9: Creation

·         Seasonal Lesson 5: Inter-Religious Education

·         Theme 10: Grow in Love




Second Class:


·         Theme 1: Called and Chosen

·         Theme 2: Jesus (Lesson 1)


·         Seasonal Lesson 1: The Rosary

·         Theme 2: Jesus (Lessons 2, 3 and 4)

November and December

·         Theme 2: Jesus (Lesson 5)

·         Seasonal Lesson 2:  Celebrating the saints

·         Theme 3: Advent and Christmas

January and February

·         Theme 4: We hear the Word of God at Mass

·         Seasonal Lesson 4: St Brigid

·         Theme 5: Reconciliation

February and March

·         Seasonal Lesson 3: Lent

·         Theme 6: At Mass we give thanks and we receive Holy Communion


·         Theme 7: Holy Week and Easter

May and June

·         Theme 8: We can live as Jesus asked

·         Theme 9: Creation

·         Seasonal Lesson 5: Inter-Religious Education

·         Theme 10: Grow in Love


Third Class:


·         Theme 1: God (Lessons 1, 2, 3)

·         Theme 2: The Bible (Lessons 1, 2)


·         Theme 3: Jesus (Lessons 1, 2, 3, 4)

November and December

·         Seasonal Lesson 1: “There are many rooms in my Father’s House”

·         Theme 4: Advent and Christmas (Lessons 1, 2, 3)

January and February

·         Theme 5: God’s Covenant and Our Response (Lessons 1, 2, 3, 4)

·         Theme 6: The Great Commandment (Lesson 1)

February and March

·         Theme 6: The Great Commandment (Lesson 2)

·         Seasonal Lesson 2: Lent (Ash Wed)

·         Seasonal Lesson 3: Remembering St Patrick


·         Theme 7: Holy Week and Easter (Lessons 1, 2)

May and June

·         Theme 8: The Church (Lessons 1, 2, 3)

·         Theme 9: Celtic Christianity (Lessons 1, 2)

·         Theme 10: The Mass (Lessons 1, 2)

·         Seasonal Lesson 4: Our Jewish Brothers and Sisters

·         Seasonal Lesson 5: How We Have Grown in Love!


Fourth Class:


·         Theme 1: God (Lessons 1, 2, 3)

·         Theme 2: The Bible (Lessons 1, 2)


·         Theme 3: Jesus (Lessons 1, 2, 3, 4)

November and December

·         Seasonal Lesson 1: Life with God Forever in Heaven

·         Theme 4: Advent and Christmas (Lessons 1, 2)

·         Prayer Service for Advent

January and February

·         Theme 5: Trusting God (Lessons 1, 2, 3, 4)

·         Theme 6: Building God’s Kingdom (Lesson 1)

February and March

·         Theme 6: Building God’s Kingdom (Lesson 2)

·         Seasonal Lesson 2: Remembering St Brigid

·         Prayer Service for Ash Wednesday


·         Theme 7: Holy Week and Easter (Lessons 1, 2, 3)

May and June

·         Theme 8: The Church (Lessons 1, 2, 3, 4)

·         Theme 9: The Pilgrim Church (Lessons 1, 2)

·         Theme 10: Reconciliation (Lessons 1, 2)

·         Additional Lesson3: Our Muslim Brothers and Sisters

·         Additional Lesson 4: How We Have Grown in Love!


Fifth Class:


·         Theme 1: God is Always With Us (Lessons 1, 2, 3)

·         Theme 2: Jesus (Lessons 1, 2, 3)


·         Theme 3: Our Christian Vocation (Lessons 1, 2)

November and December

·         Seasonal Lesson 1: Death and Eternal Life

·         Theme 4: Advent and Christmas (Lessons 1, 2, 3)

January and February

·         Theme 5: Conscience (Lessons 1, 2)

·         Theme 6: Social Justice ( Lessons 1, 2, 3)

February and March

·         Seasonal Lesson 2: Lent: A Time for Reflection

·         Seasonal Lesson 3: Remembering St Patrick


·         Theme 7: Holy Week and Easter (Lessons 1, 2, 3)

May and June

·         Theme 8: The Holy Spirit (Lessons 1, 2, 3, 4)

·         Theme 9: We are Called to Love and Serve the Church ( Lessons 1, 2)

·         Theme 10: The Mass (Lessons 1, 2)

·         Seasonal Lesson 4: Mary, Mother of Jesus

·         Additional Lessons 5 and 6: Judaism (1) and (2)


Sixth Class:


·         Beginning Our New School Year – one lesson

·         Theme 1: God (Lessons 1, 2)

·         Theme 2: Creation (Lesson 1)


·         Theme 2: Creation (Lessons 2, 3)

·         Theme 3: Jesus (Lessons 1, 2)

November and December

·         Theme 3: Jesus (Lesson 3)

·         Seasonal Lesson 1: Preparing for Eternal Life

·         Theme 4: Advent and Christmas (Lessons 1, 2)

January and February

·         Theme 5: Social Justice ( Lessons 1, 2)

·         Theme 6: Church (Lessons 1, 2)

February and March

·         Theme 6: Church (Lessons 3, 4)

·         Seasonal Lesson 2: St Brigid and Other Women of Faith

·         Seasonal Lesson 3: Lent: A Time of Repentance and Reconciliation

·         Theme 7: Holy Week and Easter (Lessons 1, 2)


·         Theme 9: Morality (Lessons 1, 2, 3)

May and June

·         Theme 10: Confirmation (Lessons 1, 2, 3, 4)

·         Theme 8: Eucharist (Lessons 1, 2)

·         Seasonal Lesson 4: Mary, Mother of God and Our Mother

·         Additional Lessons 5 and 6: Islam (1) and (2)


 Partners in Religious Education


Parents support the school during times of Sacramental preparation and assist at home with Religious Education Homework on a weekly basis as the child progresses through Primary education. They are invited to attend the Enrolment ceremonies, Ceremony of Light, First Confession, Communion and Confirmation.


 The following programmes are implemented in our parish;

  • Baptismal Programme
  • Do This In MemoryProgramme
  • Confirming Our Children Programme


 Roles and Responsibilities

  • The Religious Education Policy was drafted in 2008, reviewed in 2011, 2014 and 2023.
  • The Principal, the Religious Education Representative and the Chaplain took responsibility for writing/collating the policy.
  • Following a review, the revised policy is presented to the Board of Management for ratification. It is then uploaded to the school website
  • The policy will be reviewed again in three years. It will be reviewed informally on a constant basis through discussion with staff members.