Healthy Eating
Healthy Eating Policy 2017
Rationale and aims
Healthy eating is central to a person’s overall well-being. A part of S.P.H.E., the children learn about healthy eating and nutrition. Our aim is to promote healthy eating at an early age in order to ensure good, lifelong, nutritional habits. Healthy eating is important for:
- Maintaining strong teeth and bones
- Improving concentration and behaviour
- Preventing obesity and heart conditions
- Balancing energy levels.
- It is very important for the pupil’s energy and concentration levels that they eat a healthy breakfast before coming to school.
- A healthy lunchbox should include foods from the bottom 4 tiers of the food pyramid.
- Examples of healthy options that are actively encouraged include…
-fruit and vegetables
-wholemeal bread, rolls, wraps, pitta bread, pasta, bagels
-cream crackers, rice cakes
-Dairy products such as natural yoghurt, cheese, milk
-chicken, ham, beef, turkey
-the above lists are suggestions and there are a lot of other healthy option
- Foods from the top tier of the food pyramid should not be included in your child’s healthy lunchbox. Examples include…
-crisps, sweets, jellies, sticky bars, cereal bars, biscuits, chocolate, lollipops, cake
-fizzy drinks, energy drinks
-chewing gum
- Due to severe life threatening nut allergies, pupils are not allowed to have any nuts or nut based products such as Nutella or peanut butter in their lunchboxes.
- Pupils are encouraged to drink water throughout the day. Milk, fruit juices, smoothies and yoghurt drinks are also acceptable.
- The pupils may bring in a small treat on Fridays.
Examples include:
-small treat sized bar, biscuit, fruit winders, cereal bar, small bun…
- Treats will not be distributed in the classroom for birthday celebrations.
- Exceptions to the policy may be made at the end of the school term, school events, trips and sports days.
- Staff will support the healthy eating policy and will provide positive modelling and supportive attitudes to encourage healthy eating.
- Staff will only offer sweets to children as rewards or prizes occasionally.
- Pupils with special dietary requirements and/or allergies will be facilitated to choose foods to suit their specific needs. Parents should discuss this with the classroom teacher.
- All pupils will be taught the Food and Nutrition lessons from the S.P.H.E. Curriculum.
Review and Evaluation
The policy was reviewed at a staff meeting on __22 May 2017__.
The policy was ratified by the Board of Management on _13 June 2017_.
This policy was published on on _19 June 2017_.